Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blog Post the First -- Why?

I have come to the realization that at least 18% of my Bay Area friends own the travel card deck Bay Area Backroads, myself included. I bought it at Walden Pond, the fabulous Oakland bookstore you should all visit after you have digested my pearls of wisdom, which sounds disgusting now that I write that out. Anywho, what better place to start with reviewing these so-called "must see" locations, than with a deck that proclaims to "showcase the wonders and hidden sights of Northern California's beautiful backroads"? 

I have set for myself the goal of doing all 50. Why? Because they are there, natch, and like Everest and Cinnabuns, exist to be conquered. I already have a bone to pick with the Deck's definition of "backroads", but we'll get to that later. On the whole, there are loads of places in here I have never heard of or thought of going. Huzzah!

Now, some of you may say, "if you haven't heard of it, why bother going? It's obviously not going to be Yosemite." Well, my friends, if that is your perspective, you might as well stop reading now. Pointless excursion should be my middle name, right next to Patricia. We here at Road Trips Reviewed for You! are unafraid of days and trips lacking in point. As we shall prove shortly.

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